Retain our services for the insight of professional scientists, researchers, physicians and educators knowledgeable in contemporary science, technology and business.
Thinking you can provide this analysis yourself? For most investors, the time necessary to learn, understand, and digest dense scientific data would be measured in years. We will be faster, more objective and precise with our analysis.
We specialize in:
Independent consultation for upcoming or existing products
In-depth analysis of all available research data – including published data behind paywalls. Reports are written in simple English.
Education and enrichment for analyst teams
Onsite education at your facility for your employees. Presentations also include supplemental presentation data for review.
Institutional Position papers
We can craft a position paper tailored for your clients, accredited investors or high net-worth individuals that provides insight into the companies and their products. Papers are designed to provide a global view of the company drug pipeline, along with tailored explanations of where the products are headed (e.g. generic) and the potential therapeutic value of the pipeline for other off-label conditions.
à la carte analysis of individual companies, existing drugs, orphan or candidate drugs, etc.
We can tailor a report to your specific request. No request is too small or too big.
Private Placement Memorandum and IPO Prospectus analysis
Perhaps you can understand the cashflow, but you have no idea what a tyrosine kinase inhibitor is. Designed for small firms and individual investors.
For a sample report illustrating our style and format, click here.